PREP 2022 – Oral presentationys by Malvina Supper and Malte Kaspereit

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Malvina Supper and Malte Kaspereit gave oral presentations at the 35th International Symposium on Preparative and Process Chromatography (PREP 2022, May 15-18, 2022) in Baltimore (USA). Malvina Supper presented on “Model-based Development of Efficient Chromatographic Processes for the
Isolation of Pure PEG Homologs” (co-author M. Kaspereit), while Malte Kaspereit gave an overview presentation entitled “Towards Preparative Chromatographic Classification of Nanoparticles” (co-authors M. Supper, L. Gromotka, W. Peukert).

The work was supported by the Collaborative Research Centre CRC 1411 “Design of Particulate Products”.