Advanced Separation Processes

Welcome to Advanced Separation Processes, the research group of Malte Kaspereit at the Institute of Separation Science and Technology (TVT) in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBI) of FAU.

We develop novel and advanced technologies for the most challenging separation and purification problems in chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological applications. Special focus is on powerful separation technologies like preparative chromatography, membrane-based processes, gas adsorption, and combinations thereof. In our work, we combine state-of-the-art experimental techniques, fundamental engineering methodologies, and advanced methods for process modelling and optimization. With our approach, we aim at devising clever and performant processes that contribute to establishing more sustainable process solutions in the mentioned industrial fields. Please check out our research pages for more information.


Recent news

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We are happy to announce that on October 14th, 2024, Malvina Supper very successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Development of High-Resolution Chromatographic Processes for the Separation of Polydisperse Polymers and Nanoparticles".  During her time in our group, Malvina made significant co...

Category: News, People

Johannes Wieczorek received the 'Award for the best oral presentation' at the 20th Network Young Membrains Conference 2024 (NYM) in Prague, Czech Republic. The award is sponsored by the European Membrane Society. The NYM conference was co-organized by Dániel Gardenö from UCT Prague, who is a visitin...

Category: Conferences, News, People

Johannes Wieczorek gave a presentation at the 19th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SPICA) in Milan, Italy. SPICA is the most important event for scientists and developers from industry and academia who work in the field of preparative chrom...

Category: Conferences, News

A heartily 'welcome aboard' to Jan-Christoph Domagala, who joined our team as a PhD student in January, 2024! Last year, Jan-Christoph very successfully finished his master thesis project 'Determination of multicomponent sorption isotherms for the modeling of reversed-phase chromatography of polyeth...

Category: News, People

We are extremely enlighted that the Collaborative Research Centre 1411 will be funded for four more years - that is, until the end of 2027 - by the German Science Foundation. This very successful project aims at the targeted design of particulate products by rigorous optimisation of predictive struc...

Category: News

Johannes Wieczorek presented our work on the chromatographic isolation of single homologs of polyethylene glycol (PEG) at the 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECCE/ECAB) held in September 2023 in Berlin/Germany. In his presentation, e...

Category: Conferences, News, Publications

We are very happy to announce that on July 20th, 2023, Jürgen Vargas Scnmitz successfully defended his PhD thesis 'Systematische Entwicklung adsorptiver Gastrennprozesse für Mehrstoffgemische'. During his research in our group, he developed a methodology for the systematic selection of experiments t...

Category: News, People, Publications